Inquiry process
1.) Call 415-754-3889 or leave a voicemail to speak with the Admissions Officer. This is the best first step to determine if LAMBO might be a good fit for your son or daughter. If our Admissions staff are unable to speak with you immediately, leave a detailed voice message.
2.) Schedule an appointment to discuss your child’s unique needs and academic objectives. Email your child’s current and previous school transcripts, along with a completed LAMBO’s Student Registration form to: [email protected]
Non-Discrimination Policy
We do not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, sexual preference, wardrobe or disability.
“LAMBO has given me the opportunity, and motivated me, to do new things: an on-line class, attend Mission College Santa Clara, and work as a paid network technician in a start-up corporation in the Silicon Valley.”
– Hilton (15), Class of 2014.
1.) Call 415-754-3889 or leave a voicemail to speak with the Admissions Officer. This is the best first step to determine if LAMBO might be a good fit for your son or daughter. If our Admissions staff are unable to speak with you immediately, leave a detailed voice message.
2.) Schedule an appointment to discuss your child’s unique needs and academic objectives. Email your child’s current and previous school transcripts, along with a completed LAMBO’s Student Registration form to: [email protected]
Non-Discrimination Policy
We do not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, sexual preference, wardrobe or disability.
“LAMBO has given me the opportunity, and motivated me, to do new things: an on-line class, attend Mission College Santa Clara, and work as a paid network technician in a start-up corporation in the Silicon Valley.”
– Hilton (15), Class of 2014.